RPI Consultants worked with Jefferies Financial Group to redesign and optimize its Accounts Payable Automation solution, including a Brainware upgrade and Yoga™ Flexible Software.
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Based on an extensive and comprehensive Solution Health Check led by RPI Senior Solutions Architect Alex Lindsey, RPI Consultants was able to pinpoint multiple points of frustration and opportunities for improved accuracy and efficiency. Detailed in the Solution Health Check Report, Lindsey described how improvements to Workflow, Approval Matrices and Reporting, as well as an upgrade of Brainware for intelligent data capture, would help Jefferies get more out of their technology investment.
A major part of the project was the development of enhanced reporting tools utilizing RPI’s Yoga Dashboard™. Formerly there was little visibility on how long invoices took to get from start to finish as well as pain points experienced during the process. A Yoga Dashboard was developed as a report that helped Jefferies drill down into each individual step of their AP process. Additionally, RPI built a custom historical report so Jefferies would be able to go back over time and determine where invoices would get stuck. This solution makes sure that future decisions are based timely, accurate information.
“Before this project, invoices had to go through two sets of approvals. This redesign removed one set completely, reducing time taken per invoice by 50 percent. Thanks to Yoga Dashboard, we also removed many unnecessary escalation scenarios, and invoices “stuck” in the system have gone down by 90 percent,” says Mukesh Sinha, Vice President of Global Corporate Systems for Jefferies.