Use Perceptive Content (ImageNow) Output Packages to automatically export and send important documents and content using email.
Today I want to go over what output packaging is and how to create a output profile. Then I’ll show you how to use it. Output packaging is a client-side process designed for small ad hoc output jobs. An output profile allows you to save output packaging configuration settings for reuse. After an output profile is created, the system automatically adjusts the settings each time you select an output method and an associated profile. You can create, modify, and delete output profiles for all four output methods. Those four methods are email, fax, file, and print. Just as a note, when you output Perceptive Content documents, Perceptive Content creates a separate output file. The output file is a copy of the document, and the original document remains unaltered within the Perceptive Content repository.
Let’s go ahead and get started on the demo. You’ll want to login to your management console. On this left pane here, go and select output profiles. Make sure you’re on the email tab if you are looking to create an email profile, or one of the following options as well. Today we’ll create an email profile. Click new. Give this profile a name. You can give it a description if you want, but do make sure that you have this is active selected.
This next step you can add your users or groups that you want to have access to use this profile. Then we’ll configure the actual profile itself. If you want to default an email address, type the email address where you want to send the output profile. If you want the user to enter the email address each time they export, leave the email box empty to select the email address from your address book of your email client. For method, select one of the options that is shown here. If you want to attach a document, select attachment. An image now link would place a link within that email that the user can open the document directly within Perceptive Content. Web now URL is to place a web now link within the email that the user can open the document with in web mail.
If you select image now link or web now URL, just click okay to create the profile. But today I will show you how to do an attachment, which gives you a few more configuration options. Next you have to select the format that you want your attachment to be in. Individual file will output multiple files within Perceptive Content document as individual output files. If you select multipage TIFF for each document, it will create a multipage TIFF. If you want to export multiple documents, Perceptive Content creates that multipage TIFF for each document. Then obviously single PDF will just bundle it up and export it as one PDF.
Today I’m going to show you the individual files method. Then this option down here is for annotations. You can select the current view, which is if you were to hide a few or add a few at that time when you’re viewing the document, it will export as is. Or you can always choose to select exporting a document with the annotations if they are on the document or no annotations at all.
Then within the content tab you can give your files a name. ID would just be document ID. Keys would be the index keys of the document. Name would be the unique name of the document. Then file name is the original file name of the document.
If you’re exporting a TIFF you can keep the image color conversion selected at none. But if you are doing PDF, we recommend that you select black and white, which uses the least amount of size for the export file. You can also include sticky notes if they are on the document itself, or you can include header or footer options. I will select date and time and that will actually print that on the document once it’s exported. Then go ahead and select okay, and that creates the output profile.
Now I’ll show you how to use the output profile. Go ahead and pop open a document. As you can see, this one has an annotation on it. Go up here to our toolbar and select email. Then you can select which profile you want to use. As we know, we just created the test email. Enter your email address here. As you can see, you can modify any of the options that we created in the profile. That’s it. If you just want to export that document in email, go ahead and click okay, and that document will be emailed out to the user that you typed right here. Thanks for watching today. Check back with us on our YouTube channel for more how to videos and also our webinars.