RPI CloudSuite Bootcamps & More

Unrivaled Hands-On Training

What are RPI Bootcamps?

Hands On Infor CloudSuite Training

Bootcamps are in-person workshops that take place over the span of two or three days and typically include after hour activities to encourage collaboration, inspire comradery, and forge new connections.

If your organization is embarking on a CloudSuite journey, it’s important that your IT & business teams get caught up to speed.  Put them in a position to guide your business through a successful transformation to CloudSuite with RPI’s Bootcamp trainings.

Where Are Bootcamps Hosted?

Bootcamp trainings take place at one of RPI’s or Infor’s various office locations. Bootcamps accommodate in-person attendees only and will not be available to remote attendees. 

Training will be a combination of presentations and hands-on guided exercises. Each attendee will be granted access to RPI’s CloudSuite tenant for the duration of the class. 

Bootcamps are small group events that accommodate approximately 6-12 participants as well as several RPI team members to assist the group working through the material.

Why Should You Attend?

Your software is only as good as your ability to use it. With Infor rolling out core updates bi-annually, it can be tough to stay up to date on the latest functionality. 

RPI’s CloudSuite Bootcamps are aimed at helping teams mobilize quickly to optimize processes and skillsets. Bootcamps offer organizations a cost-effective way to stay informed on CloudSuite’s latest feature functionality, while strengthening employee  application skills and maximizing ERP investment.

To explore all our upcoming Bootcamps, click below.

Upcoming Bootcamps

RPI’s CloudSuite Bootcamps are geared towards IT & business professionals whose organizations are preparing to embark on the journey to Infor’s CloudSuite solution. No prior CloudSuite experience is necessary. This training is also ideal for new employees to organizations already on a CloudSuite environment. Typical attendee titles include: ERP Administrator, Senior Business Analyst, Manager of Enterprise Applications, process owners, IT Project Manager. Upcoming CloudSuite Bootcamps are listed below.

04.29.25 - 04.30.25